2014年2月24日 星期一





Ÿ   國際書目著錄標準
Ÿ   機讀編目格式MARC

Ÿ   ISO2709的全名,前五碼的意義(MARC的結構)->
Iso2709的紀錄標示中位置0-4 代表是 這筆記錄的長度
假設記錄標示為00811… 則這筆記錄有811位元組
Information and documentation – Format for information exchange
ISO 2709 指的是一份國際標準, 規範在資訊及文獻領域裡, 以磁帶交換書目資訊時, 應該遵守的登錄格式, 以便為各系統所接受。
從應用層面來說, 這個格式不含任何控制符號, 純粹祗有資料, 也就是一個個位元組接續構成的書目資訊,可以用任何文書處理軟體看到其內容, 祗是不應以人工方式變動其內容,尤其不能增刪任何一個位元組; 因為很多內容係經過軟體的計算而得來的, 牽一髮而動全身, 沒有任何編目
ISO 2709 的格式裡, 依其性質, 每筆書目記錄的內容, 可以分為四個部份, 依序是:
1. 記錄標示, 最前面的24個位元組。
2. 指引, 每個指引以12個位元組構成, 可以有無數個指引。
3. 書目資料欄
4. 記錄終止符號
中國機讀編目格式的定義和 ISO 2709 原來的定義有點出入, 雖然不是完全相同, 卻是相容的。

Ÿ   電腦可看的書目紀錄(範例) (MARC的結構)
透過電腦可以看到的書目記錄, 大約有四種格式:
經由圖書館應用系統計算出來, 專供其他圖書館應用系統讀取, 很難被人直接讀用
驗證單格式即是欄位格式, 方便編目員校對書目內容的正確性, 祗有編目員才有能耐去讀用

卡片格式即是國際標準書目著錄格式, 以國際標準書目著錄格式指定的項目及標點符號呈現書目的內容, 這是讀者可以瞭解的格式
條列格式針對一般的當地讀者, 條列其
書目內容, 對當地語言文化有隔閡的外地使用者, 往往對其內容產生誤解

Ÿ   MARC21書目245 Indictors的意義,排序或如何使用
First Indicator - Title added entry
Whether a title added entry is made.
0 - No added entry
No title added entry is made, either because no title added entry is desired or because the title added entry is not traced the same as the title in field 245.Value 0 is always used when a 1XX heading field is not present in the record.
1 - Added entry
Desired title added entry is the same as the title in field 245.
Second Indicator - Nonfiling characters
Number of character positions associated with a definite or indefinite article (e.g., Le, An) at the beginning of a title that are disregarded in sorting and filing processes.
0 - No nonfiling characters
No initial article character positions are disregarded.
Diacritical marks or special characters at the beginning of a title field that does not begin with an initial article are not counted as nonfiling characters.
1-9 - Number of nonfiling characters
Title begins with a definite or indefinite article that is disregarded in sorting and filing processes. Any diacritical mark, space or mark of punctuation associated with the article and any space or mark of punctuation preceding the first filing character after the article is included in the count of nonfiling characters. Any diacritic, however, associated with the first filing character is not included in the count of nonfiling characters.

Ÿ   Isbd2010版本適用下列資源
The provisions of the ISBD relate first to bibliographic records produced by national bibliographic agencies and second to bibliographic records produced by other cataloguing agencies.
The types of resources covered by the ISBD include the following:
Ÿ    cartographic resources
Ÿ    electronic resources
Ÿ    moving images
Ÿ    multimedia resources
Ÿ    notated music resources
Ÿ    printed texts
Ÿ    sound recordings
Ÿ    still images

Ÿ   2010ISBD的目標,
The primary purpose of the ISBD is to provide the stipulations for compatible descriptive cataloguing worldwide in order to aid the international exchange of bibliographic records between national bibliographic agencies and throughout the international library and information community.
By specifying the elements that comprise a bibliographic description and by prescribing the order in which those elements should be presented, and secondarily the punctuation by which they should be separated, the ISBD aims to:
Ÿ    make records from different sources interchangeable, so that records produced in one country can be easily accepted in library catalogues or other bibliographic lists in any other country
Ÿ    assist in the interpretation of records across language barriers, so that records produced for users of one language can be interpreted by users of other languages;
Ÿ    assist in the conversion of bibliographic records to electronic form;
Ÿ    enhance interoperability with other content standards

明定全球相容的敘述書目記錄, 幫助國家書目機構在國際間互相交換書目記錄。藉由規
範著錄的細目、順序、標點符號, 期望達成三個目標:
1.  不同來源的書目資料得以互相交換甲國的書目資料可以輕易的被乙國的圖書館接受。不同圖書館的書目紀錄可以輕易被他館接受
2.   跨越語文障礙即使不認識該語文仍可識得其記錄的內容。協助書目紀錄跨越語文障礙
3.   協助轉換傳統形式的書目記錄為電子形式的書目記錄。協助轉換書目記錄為電子形式的書目記錄
4. 增進與其他內容標準的相通性

Ÿ   NR,N的意思
Ÿ   例:著者敘述欄中可有很多作者,但只能記錄在同一欄中

Ÿ   編目著錄項目的次序

Ÿ   何謂著者敘述?根據ISBD2010年的版本
statement of responsibility (295)
one or more names, phrases or groups of characters relating to the identification and/or function of any persons or corporate bodies responsible for or contributing to the creation or realisation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work. Statements of responsibility may occur in conjunction with titles (e.g. the title proper, parallel titles, titles of individual works contained in the resource, titles in series/subseries statements) or in conjunction with edition statements

title proper (296)
the chief title of a resource, i.e. the title of a resource in the form in which it appears on the prescribed sources of information for the title and statement of responsibility area. The title proper includes any alternative title, but excludes parallel titles and other title information. In the case of a section or some supplements and some titles of subseries or parts, the title proper can consist of two or more components: the common title (or the title of the main series or of the multipart monographic resource), the dependent title and the dependent title designation. For resources containing several individual works the title proper is the collective title. Resources containing several individual works and lacking a collective title are considered not to have a title proper. A series or subseries also has its own title proper (See also common title, dependent title, dependent title designation)


