1. 試述中國機讀編目格式(CMARC)、MARC21的發展與維護單位?
發展單位:由1980年中國圖書館學會與國立中央圖書館合作組織「圖書館自動化作業規劃委員會」並成立「中文機讀編目格式工作小組」, 進行研訂符合國際標準之中國機讀編目格式, 以便於在國際間交流及分享資料。
發展單位:MARC21由美國-ALA MARBI Committee、加拿大-Canadian Committee
on MARC及英國-BIC Bibliographic Standards Group主導發展,並根據使用者建議、編目規則改變及實際需要定期修訂並更新欄位。
維護單位:標準檔案及網頁由Network Development and MARC
Standards Office, Library of
2. 試述「主題權威資料的功能需求──概念模型」(Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD)─A
Conceptual Model)的實行步驟(method) 。
The method used to build FRSAD conceptual model is the
entity analysis technique used in FRBR. The development of such a conceptual
model consists of the following steps:
1) The analysis starts with the user tasks as
well as the key objects that are of interest to users in a specific domain.
2) The attention is not on individual data
but on the “things” the data describe. Each of the objects of interest or
entities defined for the model serves as the focal point for a cluster of data.
3) At a higher level, an entity diagram
depicts the relationships that normally hold between one type of entity and
another type of entity.
4) Important characteristics or attributes of
each entity are then identified.
5) Each attribute and relationship is mapped
to the user tasks. Relative values of importance are assigned to each attribute
and relationship with specific reference to the task performed and the entity
that is the object of the user’s interest.
These steps were followed
in the development of this model.
3. MARC21有幾種格式?
A MARC 21 format is a set of codes and
content designators defined for encoding machine-readable records. Formats are
defined for five types of data: bibliographic, holdings, authority,
classification, and community information.
1) MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data (Marc 21書目紀錄格式): Contains
format specifications for encoding data elements needed to describe, retrieve,
and control various forms of bibliographic material.
2) MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data(Marc 21館藏紀錄格式):
Contains format specifications for encoding
data elements pertinent to holdings and location data for all forms of
3) MARC 21 Format for Authority Data(Marc 21權威格式):
Contains format specifications for encoding
data elements that identify or control the content and content designation of
those portions of a bibliographic record that may be subject to authority
4) MARC 21 Format for Classification Data(Marc 21分類格式):
Contains format specifications for encoding
data elements related to classification numbers and the captions associated
with them.
5) MARC 21 Format for Community Information(Marc 21社區資訊格式):
provides format specifications for records containing information about events,
programs, services, etc. so that this information can be integrated into the
same public access catalogs as data in other record types.
4. 指出適用於中國編目規則各細目的MARC21欄位/分欄。
適用於中國編目規則編目圖書時,第三著錄層次各細目所對應的marc 21欄位/分欄,如下:
正題名 -245/$a
資料類型標示 -245/$h
並列題名 -246/$a
副題名 -245/$b
著者敘述 -245/$c
版本敘述 -250/$a
出版地、經銷地等 -260/$a
出版者、經銷者等 -260/$b
出版年、經銷年 -260/$c
印製地、印製者、印製年 -260/$e, $f, $g
面(葉)數、冊數或其他單位 -300/$a
插圖及其他稽核細節 -300/$b
高廣 -300/$c
附件 -300/$e
集叢敘述 -490
附註 -500/$a
標準號碼 -020/$a
獲得方式 -020/$c
裝訂及其他區別字樣 -020/$a
5. 試述概念模型的基礎原則(Fundamental Basis
for the Concept)。
The fundamental basis for the conceptual
model is illustrated in Figure . The model can be simply described as follows:
Entities in the bibliographic universe (such as those identified in the Functional
Requirements for Bibliographic Records) are known by names and/or identifiers.
In the cataloguing process (whether it happens in libraries, museums, or
archives), those names and identifiers are used as the basis for constructing
controlled access points.