2013年12月3日 星期二





今天繼續上次的ISBD。老師發了紙,出了兩個題目。1. Isbd修訂委員會,於1981年規劃的三個目標。2 .ISBD的主要目標。幸好在上次寫筆記心得時有大概看過這兩項,所以對他們不會太陌生。上課時老師帶著我們看ISBD英文版,英文英文英文。英文看不懂的地方可以試著看範例去了解。


ISBD修訂委員會, 1981年正式規畫, 定期審視及修訂圖書、連續性出版品、靜畫資料及非書資料等
ISBD。該委員會有三個主要目標: (1)協調各ISBD, 增加其一致性;
當年的短期目標是: (a)檢視等號的使用方法;

Work on the ISBD has been guided by the following objectives and principles:
 The ISBD provides consistent stipulations for description of all types of published resources, tothe extent that uniformity is possible, and specific stipulations for specific types of resources asrequired to describe those resources.
Ÿ   The ISBD provides the stipulations for compatible descriptive cataloguing worldwide in order toaid the international exchange of bibliographic records between national bibliographic agencies and throughout the international library and information community (including producers and publishers).
Ÿ   The ISBD accommodates different levels of description, including those needed by national bibliographic agencies, national bibliographies, universities and other research collections.
Ÿ   The descriptive elements needed to identify and select a resource must be specified.
Ÿ   The set of elements of information rather than the display or use of those elements in a specificautomated system provides the focus.

statement of responsibility (295)
one or more names, phrases or groups of characters relating to the identification and/or function of any persons or corporate bodies responsible for or contributing to the creation or realisation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work. Statements of responsibility may occur in conjunction with titles (e.g. the title proper, parallel titles, titles of individual works contained in the resource, titles in series/subseries statements) or in conjunction with edition statements

title proper (296)

the chief title of a resource, i.e. the title of a resource in the form in which it appears on the prescribed sources of information for the title and statement of responsibility area. The title proper includes any alternative title, but excludes parallel titles and other title information. In the case of a section or some supplements and some titles of subseries or parts, the title proper can consist of two or more components: the common title (or the title of the main series or of the multipart monographic resource), the dependent title and the dependent title designation. For resources containing several individual works the title proper is the collective title. Resources containing several individual works and lacking a collective title are considered not to have a title proper. A series or subseries also has its own title proper (See also common title, dependent title, dependent title designation)

